Immediately after the victory, the Kalush Orchestra released a video for the song “Stefania” about women in war

Last night, the Ukrainian band Kalush Orchestra announced the release of their new music video for the song “Stefania”. It was with her that Ukraine won the 2022 Eurovision show. What was shown in the video – see below.

The release of a new music video for the song “Stefania” took place on May 15 at 11:00. Before the premiere of the video on the YouTube channel, the team of musicians turned on a chat for discussions, where fans from all over the world exchanged congratulations and words of anticipation for the new video hit.

I once dedicated this song to my mother, and when the war broke out, the song took on a lot of new meaning. Although the song does not say a word about the war, many people began to associate the song with Mother Ukraine. Moreover, society began to call it the anthem of our war! But if Stephanie is now the anthem of our war, I would like it to be the anthem of our victory, – says Oleg Psyuk, leader of the group, in the description to the video.

Representatives of the group also noted that this video clip is based on real events during the military aggression in Ukraine in 2022. It seems that the Kalush Orchestra has decided to use its popularity and victory to make the world even more aware of the bloody Russian-Ukrainian war and Russian aggression.

Stefania – Kalush Orchestra lyrics:

Стефанія мамо, мамо Стефанія
– Stephanie mom, mom Stephanie
Розквітає поле, а вона сивіє
– The field blooms, and it turns gray
Заспівай мені мамо колискову
– Sing me a lullaby mom
Хочу ще почути твоє рідне слово
– I want to hear your native word again

Вона мене колисала дала мені ритм
– She rocked me gave me a rhythm
І напевне силу волі не забрати в мене, бо дала вона
– And probably not take my willpower away from me, because she gave it to me
Напевне знала може більше і від Соломона
– I probably knew maybe more from Solomon
Ломаними дорогами прийду я завжди до тебе
– I will always come to you on broken roads
Вона не розбудить, не будить, мене в сильні бурі
– It won’t wake me up, it won’t wake me up in strong storms
Забере в бабулі дві дулі, ніби вони кулі
– It will take two muzzles from grandma, as if they were bullets
Дуже добре знала мене не була обманута
– She knew me very well and was not deceived
Як була дуже втомлена, гойдала мене в такт
– As I was very tired, she rocked me to the beat

Люлі люлі люлі гой
– Luli Luli Luli goy

Стефанія мамо, мамо Стефанія
– Stephanie mom, mom Stephanie
Розквітає поле, а вона сивіє
– The field blooms, and it turns gray
Заспівай мені мамо колискову
– Sing me a lullaby mom
Хочу ще почути твоє рідне слово
– I want to hear your native word again

Я не в пеленах но ма но ма, хватить
– I’m not in diapers but Ma but Ma, that’s enough
Як би я не виріс на виріст за речі платить
– No matter how I grow up it pays for things
Я не мала дитина, вона далі нерви тратить
– I’m not a small child, she keeps wasting her nerves
Я гуляв, шляк би тебе трафив
– I was walking, shlyak would have trafiv you
Ти все молода о мамо на піку
– You’re still young Oh mom at your peak
Якщо не ціню опіку на піку слави мені в тупіку
– If I don’t appreciate custody at the peak of my fame I’m at a dead end
Забивайте піку цю піку, я би попік спік, своєю любов’ю
– Score a peak this peak, I would Popik spik, my love

Люлі люлі люлі гой
– Luli Luli Luli goy

Стефанія мамо, мамо Стефанія
– Stephanie mom, mom Stephanie
Розквітає поле, а вона сивіє
– The field blooms, and it turns gray
Заспівай мені мамо колискову
– Sing me a lullaby mom
Хочу ще почути твоє рідне слово
– I want to hear your native word again

Стефанія мамо, мамо Стефанія
– Stephanie mom, mom Stephanie
Розквітає поле, а вона сивіє
– The field blooms, and it turns gray
Заспівай мені мамо колискову
– Sing me a lullaby mom
Хочу ще почути твоє рідне слово
– I want to hear your native word again

Source 24tv
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