Five products that most severely disrupt blood circulation

Therefore, it is often better not to eat them

Good blood circulation will help you look better. But for this you need to give up products that negatively affect this process.

Maintaining good blood circulation is one of the best things you can do for your body. According to Janet Coleman, MD, the circulation of various substances to all parts of the body, tissue repair and muscle movement depend on blood circulation. For example, if the legs are poorly supplied with blood, this can lead to the formation of ulcers on the legs and varicose veins.

Nutrition is important in the circulatory system. Nutritionists advise against a number of foods that interfere with normal blood circulation.

  1. Fried food. Such dishes include unhealthy trans fats, as well as saturated fats. According to research, trans fats can increase the level of “bad” cholesterol, reduce the level of “good” cholesterol, lead to diabetes, cancer, chronic inflammation, heart disease. Moreover, such products are high in salt, which forces the body to retain water and increase blood pressure.
  2. Baking in the package, cookies, cakes. It will be most useful for the body if you bake them yourself. Store-bought products may contain too much sugar. If you consume too much glucose, it causes inflammation, and chronic inflammation is associated with the development of type 2 diabetes. Also, adds Living.Fit nutritionist Catherine Gervasio, foods high in sugar can damage the mucous membranes of blood vessels, and this will adversely affect the circulatory system. Baking and other similar products may include saturated fats, which studies have shown can lead to atherosclerosis (accumulation of fat plaques on artery walls) and hardening of artery walls.
  3. Bacon. It contains a lot of sodium (420 mg in one slice), saturated fats (this can contribute to the development of atherosclerosis and blockage of blood vessels), nitrates (preservatives that increase the likelihood of atherosclerosis).
  4. Salty snacks in bags. For example, chips, popcorn. They contain a significant amount of salt and saturated fats. All this will negatively affect blood flow. According to Hannes, salty foods make a person more likely to have a stroke or heart attack.
  5. Pizza. One slice of pizza can contain 600-1500 mg of sodium, and frozen pizza always has too much salt. Cheese will also provide the body with a lot of saturated fat, and pepperoni or other sausage will further impair blood circulation. If you still want pizza, make it at home.

News materials cannot be equated with a doctor’s appointment. Consult a specialist before making a decision.

Source eatthis
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